St Philips recycling centre in Bristol


In Bristol, St. Philips Recycling Centre is a convenient location for residents to dispose of a variety of materials in an environmentally friendly manner. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need about the location, opening hours, and items that can be recycled at St. Philips Recycling Centre.

Location and Opening Hours

St. Philips Recycling Centre is located at Albert Road, St. Philips, Bristol BS2 0XS [1]. To get there, take the A4320 from either the north or the south, then turn onto Albert Road. The recycling centre is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm every day except for Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year’s Day [1].

What Can You Recycle at St. Philips Recycling Centre?

At St. Philips Recycling Centre, a wide range of materials can be recycled. These include:

Paper and Cardboard Recycling

You can recycle items such as newspapers, magazines, catalogues, junk mail, cardboard boxes, and packaging [2]. It is important to note that you should flatten cardboard boxes before bringing them to the centre.

Plastic Recycling

Plastic bottles, tubs, trays, and food containers can be recycled at the centre [2]. It is essential to ensure that all plastic items are cleaned and free of any food residue.

Metal Recycling

You can recycle items such as cans, aerosols, metal packaging, and scrap metal at the centre [2]. It is important to note that you should not bring gas bottles, car batteries, or engine oil to the centre.

Glass Recycling

Items such as glass bottles and jars can be recycled at the centre [2]. It is essential to ensure that all glass items are clean and free of any food residue.

Electronics Recycling

You can recycle items such as televisions, computers, laptops, monitors, and mobile phones at the centre [2]. It is important to note that you should not bring any electrical items that contain batteries or fluids, such as printers or photocopiers.

Bulky Waste Recycling

Items such as furniture, mattresses, and large household appliances can be recycled at the centre [2]. It is important to note that you should not bring any hazardous materials or asbestos to the centre.

Textiles Recycling

You can recycle items such as clothes, shoes, and bedding at the centre [2]. It is important to ensure that all items are clean and dry before bringing them to the centre.

Garden Waste Recycling

You can recycle items such as grass cuttings, leaves, hedge trimmings, and plant cuttings at the centre.

In addition to the items mentioned earlier, St. Philips Recycling Centre also offers the following recycling services:

Car Batteries and Engine Oil Recycling

You can recycle car batteries and engine oil at the centre [1]. It is essential to ensure that all oil is drained from the engine and stored in a suitable container.

Paint Recycling

You can recycle paint and paint cans at the centre [1]. It is important to note that you should not bring any hazardous waste or chemicals to the centre.

Household Batteries Recycling

You can recycle household batteries, including AA, AAA, C, D, and button batteries, at the centre [1]. It is essential to ensure that all batteries are placed in a clear, sealed bag before bringing them to the centre.


  1. Is there a fee for recycling at St. Philips Recycling Centre?

No, recycling at St. Philips Recycling Centre is free of charge for Bristol residents.

  1. Can I bring items from outside Bristol to St. Philips Recycling Centre?

No, St. Philips Recycling Centre only accepts waste materials from Bristol residents. If you live outside Bristol, you should contact your local council for information on recycling services in your area.

  1. Are there any restrictions on the amount of waste that can be recycled at St. Philips Recycling Centre?

No, there are no restrictions on the amount of waste that can be recycled at the centre. However, it is essential to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the staff to ensure that the recycling process is efficient.

  1. What happens to the waste materials after they are collected at St. Philips Recycling Centre?

The waste materials collected at St. Philips Recycling Centre are transported to specialized facilities where they are sorted, processed, and recycled into new products.

  1. Can I recycle hazardous waste materials at St. Philips Recycling Centre?

No, St. Philips Recycling Centre does not accept hazardous waste materials, such as asbestos or chemicals. You should contact your local council for information on how to dispose of hazardous waste materials in your area.

Looking to make money from recycling?

Click here to learn how with our step-by-step guide showing you everything you need to know.

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