Recycling Scrap Ammo Brass Casings Near Me

a pile of bullets

Recycling scrap ammunition is a topic that doesn’t get nearly enough airtime, yet it’s incredibly important for a variety of reasons, from environmental to economic. If you’re sitting on a pile of old cartridges and shells, you might be wondering, “Where can I recycle scrap ammo near me?” The good news is, with the rise of responsible recycling practices, there are more options than ever before.

Where Can I Recycle Scrap Ammo Near Me?

If you’re sitting on a pile of spent shells and wondering, “Where can I recycle scrap ammo near me?” you’re in the right place. There are quite a few options when it comes to recycling brass or any other type of scrap ammunition.

From local scrapyards to specialized recycling companies, these businesses give spent ammunition new life while pocketing some cash for your efforts. So, whether the shells near you are brass or aluminum, there’s likely an outlet that will happily take them off your hands.

On the local level, many scrapyards willingly accept brass shell casings. These establishments often offer competitive prices for scrap ammo that can add up significantly with enough volume.

Here’s a money-saving tip: To get the best prices on scrap ammo, consider cleaning and sorting your casings before bringing them in – clean and sorted casings usually fetch higher rates than unsorted mixtures. Another viable option is to look into companies that specifically recycle scrap ammo.

These enterprises know exactly how much is brass worth and they also understand the ins and outs of recycling shell casings safely and efficiently. If you find yourself asking “Who recycles scrap ammunition near me?” or “Who recycles scrap brass shells near me?”, use online resources to seek out these specialized recyclers who may offer better prices than general scrapyards due to their specific focus on ammunition.

Consider reaching out to shooting ranges in your area – some purchase spent ammunition from patrons at competitive rates. In fact, some might be considered as the best company to recycle scrap brass shell casings for shooting ranges as they frequently deal with large amounts of ammo near them.

So if you’ve been wondering where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely? Know that there are plenty of options available – from local scrapyards and specialized recycling companies all offering different rate depending on factors like whether it’s aluminum casing vs brass or quantity of spent shells involved.

Local Scrap Metal Recyclers

When it comes to the recycling of scrap ammo, one of the first places that might come to mind is your local scrap metal recyclers. These businesses are well versed in the value of brass and other metals commonly found in ammunition, making them an excellent resource for those looking to recycle brass shells and other types of scrap ammo.

It’s due to their understanding of how much brass is worth on the market that they can offer competitive prices for your scrap ammo. So, if you’re wondering “who recycles scrap brass shells near me?” or “who recycles scrap ammo near me?”, these establishments could be your answer.

Besides just being conveniently located, many of these local recyclers also provide some of the best prices for scrap ammo. Of course, rates will vary depending on a few factors such as current market trends and overall condition of the material brought in.

However, if you’re aiming to sell scrap ammunition, it wouldn’t hurt to make some inquiries with nearby metal recycling businesses who might even specialize in recycling scrap ammo. In contrast with aluminum casings, brass shell casings usually bring a higher price due to their durability and reuse potential—something that most shooting ranges appreciate.

This is why companies like these are often considered as the best company to recycle scrap brass shell casings for shooting ranges and individual enthusiasts alike. So next time when you’re thinking about ‘ammo near me’, don’t forget about those spent cartridges lying around—you could potentially turn them into cash.

Always remember that while you’re getting a fair price for your otherwise unused materials – which would have been waste – you’re also contributing towards a healthier environment by choosing to recycle. Not only does this process conserve valuable resources by reusing metals like brass from old ammunition but it also prevents potential contamination from improper disposal methods.

Hazardous Waste Collection

If you’re asking yourself, “Who recycles scrap ammunition near me?” then the Hazardous Waste Collection might be the answer you’re looking for. Many municipalities offer services to collect and properly dispose of hazardous materials, including scrap ammunition.

These companies that recycle scrap ammo usually have designated days and locations for collection events. They diligently follow meticulous guidelines to ensure safety while dealing with hazardous items like these.

On the other hand, if you are looking to sell scrap ammunition, then you might want to consider local shooting ranges or gun stores. Many of these businesses actively take in spent brass shells as they accumulate plenty from daily operations.

And if you wonder about the worth of your brass shells – well, brass has considerable value due to its various applications in manufacturing. The price of brass fluctuates based on global market conditions but generally remains fairly robust.

When it comes to recycling near me queries for ammo-related residuals, knowing who recycles scrap ammo near me is vital information not only for individuals but also for shooting ranges that generate large quantities of spent ammunition regularly. In fact, some companies specialize in recycling scrap ammo specifically from shooting ranges.

And let’s touch on the concept of recycling brass shells a bit more – it can actually be quite profitable! The value of brass shell casings increases when they are cleaned and deprimed; hence this could be an interesting venture if there are best prices scrap ammo offers around you.

You can sell your clean, dry used bullets to businesses that recycle them into new products or resell them to reloaders at a higher price for scrap ammo than what raw materials would cost. Therefore, no matter whether your question is where to sell brass near me or how much is brass worth per pound today, remember that recycling is a great option both from an environmental standpoint as well as a financial consideration!

How Much Are Brass Shell Casings Worth?

A question often asked by ammunition enthusiasts and keen recyclers alike is, “How much are brass shell casings worth?” Well, the answer isn’t as straightforward as one might think. The price of brass fluctuates similarly to other commodities in the market.

Variables such as global demand, availability of raw materials, and economic conditions can all impact what you might receive for your brass. Generally speaking, scrap brass prices can range anywhere from $1 to $2 per pound.

But remember this isn’t an exact science and prices change daily. To get the most current price for scrap ammo near you or to find out who recycles scrap ammo near me, use a reliable online resource that provides up-to-date information on commodity prices.

Now, let’s discuss aluminum casing vs brass. Aluminum casings are lightweight and cheaper to manufacture but are less durable than their brass counterparts.

This means they may not fetch as high a price when it comes time to sell or recycle them. So if you’re sitting on a cache of old shells and wondering where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?

Your first port of call should be local scrap metal recyclers who offer cash for commodities like these. There’s also the option of searching ‘who recycles scrap ammunition near me’ or ‘where to sell brass near me’ online.

Don’t forget shooting ranges too; some ranges work directly with companies that recycle scrap ammo for them. They could offer you competitive prices so ask around or search ‘best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges’.

Such companies frequently deal in large volumes so they may buy your ammo at bulk rates which can be beneficial if you have an extensive collection. Remember always when dealing with any kind of waste material one should prioritize safety first!

So next time you’re looking up ‘ammo near me’, add ‘recycle’ into that search bar too! It could mean making a little extra cash whilst also doing your bit for the environment.

How to Prep Ammunition for Recycling

Sorting your scrap ammunition is the first step in preparing it for recycling. This process can be quite an adventure, especially if you’re a shooting range enthusiast or a gun lover with a collection of brass shells and different types of ammo near you. It’s essential to divide out the brass, aluminum, and steel cases as these materials must be recycled separately.

Now, this may get you thinking about the value of your collection. You might find yourself wondering ‘what is brass worth?’ or ‘where can I sell brass near me?’.

Well, the price for scrap ammo fluctuates depending on the market conditions but generally, brass shell casings fetch a good price. Cleaning your sorted ammunition is the next step in prepping your scrap ammo for recycling.

Unlike most things that you recycle like plastic bottles and paper products, ammunition needs to be cleaned before it can be safely recycled. So give those shells a thorough cleaning to remove any residual gunpowder and debris.

Remember to dry them thoroughly after cleaning because wet ammo can cause issues at the recycling plant. If you’re left with lots of scrap ammunition after your sorting and cleaning activity, don’t worry!

There are many places ready to buy this valuable material from you – where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely? You ask.

Look no further! There are companies that specialize in recycling scrap ammo such as shooting ranges and local metal recyclers who have mastered how they handle these items with particular attention to safety measures.

Now we’ve addressed selling locally but let’s touch on online options – “Who recycles scrap ammo near me?” isn’t exactly easy information to come by sometimes! That’s where companies like ‘Best Company To Recycle Scrap Ammunition For Shooting Ranges’ come into play offering competitive prices based on weight per pound not forgetting their meticulous attention when it comes down handling live rounds should any slip through during sorting phase ensuring utmost safety all times.

So, whether you’re looking to find the best prices for scrap ammo or you’re interested in doing your part for the environment, recycling and selling your scrap ammunition can be a worthwhile endeavor. Just remember to take care when handling this potentially dangerous material and always check local regulations before making any decisions.

Sort Your Scrap Ammo

Sorting your scrap ammo is a crucial initial step in the recycling process. This task might seem overwhelming at first glance, particularly if you’re dealing with a large quantity of material, but it’s well worth the effort. When you inquire, “who recycles scrap brass shells near me?” you’ll find that most recycling centers prefer sorted materials because it simplifies their process and increases efficiency.

Consider creating separate categories for brass, aluminum, and copper ammunition. Each type of metal can fetch different prices at recycling facilities – thus, knowing what you have in your possession significantly benefits you.

For instance, if you’re looking to recycle brass shells specifically and wonder about the price of brass or what is brass worth per pound at a recycling facility, this information can be determined by sorting out your ammunition. When sorting through your scrap ammo near to you – be it from rifle ranges or personal collections – remember to wear safety gloves to protect your hands from sharp edges.

Also keep in mind that certain companies specialize in particular types of metal; hence it’s beneficial to research beforehand the best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges or who recycles scrap ammunition near me. In addition, understanding the difference between aluminum casing vs brass is essential during the sorting process.

Brass shell casings often fetch higher prices due to their durability and reusability; thus selling or recycling these might prove financially rewarding compared to aluminum casings. Furthermore, while identifying companies that recycle scrap ammo and finding out where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely are significant points on your checklist when dealing with spent ammo near me or shells near me; remember it’s equally important not just for monetary gain but also for environmental sustainability as these centers ensure safe disposal processes minimizing potential harm caused by improperly discarded lead or gunpowder residues.

Clean and Dry Ammo

When it comes to preparing your spent brass shell casings for recycling, the first step is ensuring they’re thoroughly cleaned. This is essential as it helps remove any residual gunpowder, dirt, or debris that might have accumulated over time. You can clean your ammo near to you using a simple mixture of soap and warm water.

As you scrub each casing gently with a soft cloth or toothbrush, think of the value of brass and the contribution you’re making towards a cleaner environment. After cleaning, it’s crucial to let the casings dry completely before taking them for recycling.

The reason for this is twofold: firstly, dampness can lead to corrosion which degrades the quality and thus, price for scrap ammo; secondly, some recycling facilities may refuse damp or wet casings due to safety concerns. So take time to dry your shells near me properly – leave them out in the sun if possible or use a blow-dryer on a low heat setting.

With these steps completed, you might be thinking “where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?” Well, numerous companies recycle scrap ammo such as shooting ranges often have collection points where they accept used shell casings. These facilities are typically known for offering best prices scrap ammo in town given their high turnover volumes.

So next time you’re wondering about recycling scrap ammo remember this – not only will you find out how much is brass worth but also get answers to queries like ‘who recycles scrap ammunition near me’ and ‘best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges’. And rest assured knowing that by choosing to recycle brass shells at these places, you’d certainly be playing your part in conserving valuable resources.

Why Recycle Scrap Ammo?

In the bustling world of shooting ranges and gun enthusiasts, an often overlooked resource is scrap ammo. Not only does recycling scrap ammo help the environment by reducing waste, but it also offers a chance to retrieve some value from an otherwise discarded item.

The brass shells that we frequently dismiss are, in fact, worth something. It’s not just about the price of brass per pound but also about the opportunity to recycle and extract value where possible.

Companies that recycle scrap ammo might be more common than you think, offering competitive rates for materials like brass and copper. You might be surprised – those seemingly worthless brass shell casings can fetch a decent price when sold in bulk, allowing you to offset some costs while doing your part for the environment.

If you’re looking to sell or recycle brass shells near you, these companies often offer the best prices for scrap ammo. Recycling isn’t just for paper and plastic – ammunition has its place too!

Companies that specialize in recycling scrap ammo help prevent harmful materials from ending up in our landfills while conserving precious metals like brass and copper. They provide an invaluable service by safely handling these potentially dangerous materials and giving them new life.

Brass shells aren’t merely discarded remnants of spent ammunition; they represent a significant portion of recyclable metal waste that could otherwise go back into circulation rather than being sent off to landfills. It’s true – your local shooting range could well be sitting on a small fortune in discarded shell casings!

So next time when you visit your favorite shooting range near you with an abundance of unused ammunition or accumulated spent shells around, consider who recycles scrap ammunition near you. Of course, if you’re simply wondering where to sell brass near me or even what is brass worth today – look no further than local recycling companies.

Not only do they offer competitive rates per pound depending on market conditions but selling through them ensures safe handling and disposal of these items as well as their potential reuse. Happy shooting, and even happier recycling!

Don’t let your spent shells become waste. Instead, recycle them to extract their true value and contribute to a more sustainable future.

What are the Benefits of Recycling Scrap Ammo?

When it comes to recycling scrap ammunition, there are several benefits that often go unnoticed. One of the primary advantages is the conservation of resources. You see, brass shell casings, frequently used in ammo production, can be repeatedly recycled without losing their essential properties.

This characteristic makes brass a highly valuable resource. If you’re curious about what brass is worth and where to sell brass near me, you’ll find that prices fluctuate depending on market demand but are typically favorable.

Recycling not only saves these precious resources but also reduces the energy consumption required for mining and manufacturing new brass. We all understand the implications this has for our environment – fewer carbon emissions and less environmental damage from extraction processes.

Now consider aluminum casing vs brass; both materials have their merits in ammo production, but both can also be redeemed for value when recycled. There’s an economic benefit too, which is especially pertinent if you’re searching terms like “ammo near me” or “shells near me.” Many shooting ranges are sitting on a veritable gold mine of scrap ammo that could be sold back to manufacturers or even local recyclers eager for these materials.

The price for scrap ammo varies depending on factors like material type and current market rates (for example, recycle copper price per pound) but could provide a significant revenue stream nonetheless. Furthermore, some companies specialize in recycling materials from shooting ranges; they may even offer some of the best prices scrap ammo can fetch.

So if you’ve ever wondered “who recycles scrap ammunition near me?” or “where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?”, consider reaching out to these specialized services – they might just have your answer! But importantly is safety – responsible disposal of unused or unwanted ammunition reduces potential accidents while also cutting down on illegal activity associated with improperly discarded rounds available for misuse by unscrupulous individuals.

By recycling your spent shells and cartridges properly – whether they’re aluminum or brass shell casings – you contribute to a safer community while potentially earning some cash in the process. So, if you’re wondering “who recycles scrap brass shells near me?” or “how much is brass?” just remember: the value of brass not only lies in its price but also in its potential for reuse and its contribution to a safer, greener world.

Conserving Metal

One of the significant reasons why recycling scrap ammo is highly encouraged pertains to metal conservation. Every recycled brass shell contributes a bit towards preserving our precious resources. Let’s face it; mining isn’t the most environmentally friendly procedure.

It depletes our natural resources, disrupts ecosystems, and leaves a considerable carbon footprint. Now think about this for a second – how much of this can be minimized if we simply recycle scrap ammo?

That’s right! A lot!

The price for scrap ammo may not make you rich overnight, but it does play a crucial role in saving Mother Earth. When you take your scrap brass shells to be recycled safely, you’re participating in an eco-friendly process that reuses material rather than merely discarding them.

Picture this: each time you recycle copper or brass, not only does it fetch a decent price per pound (depending on current market rates), but it also reduces the need for fresh mining and consequently lowers energy consumption in producing new ammunition. Now let’s come to another key aspect – where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?

There are several companies that recycle scrap ammo which will happily accept your contribution towards saving the environment. The best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges will often depend on factors like proximity and current market rates for different metals like brass or aluminum.

Many gun enthusiasts often debate about aluminum casing vs brass when it comes to choosing their ammunition. Brass is often preferred due to its resilience and ability to withstand high pressure without cracking or deforming.

But guess what? These very characteristics make them invaluable when considering recycling options!

Price-wise, recycled brass shells can fetch pretty decent rates based primarily on current market conditions (what is brass worth?). A quick online search using terms like “where to sell brass near me” or “best prices scrap ammo” should provide some local options where you can offload your collected casings.

Whether you’re a shooting range owner or an individual gun enthusiast, remember this – each recycled brass shell plays its part in conserving our precious natural resources. So, let’s do our part in creating a sustainable future by recycling scrap ammo and promoting companies that share this vision.

The Reuse of Ammunition

Now, let’s delve into a key aspect of ammo recycling that may not be as well-known – the reuse of ammunition. Essentially, recycling isn’t just about returning materials to their former state for repurposing; it also involves reusing them in their current form. When it comes to ammunition, especially brass shell casings, this principle is often applied.

As a shooting range enthusiast looking for places where you can recycle scrap ammo near you, it’s essential to remember that your used shells have more value than you might realize. Brass shell casings can be reused effectively due to the durability and resilience of the material.

These attributes make brass a fantastic resource in terms of recyclability and longevity. You might wonder then, “What is brass worth?” or “How much is brass worth per pound?” The answer varies based on market supply and demand but rest assured that its value remains steady due to its ubiquitous use in numerous industries.

When considering companies that recycle scrap ammo or perhaps even sell scrap ammunition, it’s beneficial to know how they operate. For instance, some companies provide services specifically geared towards shooting ranges – offering the best prices for scrap ammo and efficient recycling processes tailored for large quantities of spent shells.

Thus, if you’re questioning “Where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?” or searching for “ammo near me,” look no further than these businesses specialized in handling ammunition waste. Many shooters prefer brass over aluminum casings because they can be reloaded several times due to their toughness – another reason why these shells are so valued within the recycling industry.

Given this information, you might want more specifics like ‘who recycles scrap brass shells near me?’ or ‘best company to recycle scrap brass shell casings for shooting ranges,’ well there are many options out there. All you need do is ensure that your used shells are clean and undamaged before selling them off.

In essence, when we discuss the reuse of ammunition, we touch upon an essential aspect of recycling centered around the concept of prolonging item utility to save resources. It’s not only about the price of brass or who recycles scrap ammunition near me but also about understanding that every shell counts in contributing to a more sustainable environment.

From an individual shooter’s perspective, it is a great way to get some value back from their spent shells and contribute positively to sustainable practices. It’s truly a win-win situation!

Where to Dispose of Live Ammo

If you’ve ever pondered the question, “Where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?” you’re not alone. Many shooting range enthusiasts and gun owners find themselves with live ammunition they no longer need or want. So, where should one dispose of such items?

One option is local police stations. These law enforcement entities often provide a safe and secure place for people to drop off their unused ammunition.

Many police departments have specific protocols in place for handling and disposing of live ammo that’s been turned in by the public. The key here is always to call ahead and confirm that they accept such items; don’t just show up unannounced with a box of bullets.

Another option for those wondering, “Who recycles scrap ammo near me?” are gun ranges. Many gun ranges accept live ammunition as part of their services, and they might even offer trade-in values or discounts on range time or other merchandise.

It’s a win-win situation – you get rid of unwanted ammo near you, while contributing towards a resource many shooting enthusiasts enjoy. In the same vein, local gun stores can also be an ideal solution when it comes to recycling scrap ammo.

They typically have connections with manufacturers or recyclers who deal specifically with ammunition disposal and recycling. Once again though, it’s important to call ahead because policies vary from store to store.

Now if you’re seeking not only disposal but also the best prices for scrap ammo near you – whether it be aluminum casing vs brass or copper – consider checking out metal recycling centers that specialize in this area. Some establishments may offer recycle copper price per pound or give competitive rates for other types of metal casings like brass.

With all these options at your disposal (pun intended), remember safety first! Always handle your unused ammunition with care during transport and ensure you’re following local laws regarding safe disposal practices.

Police Stations

Police stations often welcome local residents who come bearing boxes of old ammunition. They are equipped to handle and dispose of the rounds safely, regardless of their age or condition.

Remember, ammunition is not something that should just be tossed in the trash as it contains hazardous materials that could pose an environmental threat if not disposed of properly. If you’re wondering “who recycles scrap ammunition near me?”, your local police station is a viable option.

Not only does this service allow for the safe disposal of potentially dangerous items, but it also could indirectly contribute to the value of brass and other metals used in ammo production. When you consider the price for scrap ammo or recycle copper price per pound, you realize that there’s quite a bit of value locked away in those old brass shell casings!

Moreover, some police stations collaborate with companies that recycle scrap ammo to ensure these materials don’t go to waste. These establishments extract valuable pieces like brass shells and prepare them for reuse or resell them at a competitive price – something worth considering if you’ve been thinking: “where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?”

Depending on where your closest police station is located, selling your scrapped ammunition might become even more viable – especially when considering ‘ammo near me’. So next time when you’re trying to search ‘where to sell brass near me’, remember your friendly neighborhood police station might be willing and able to help!

Gun Ranges

Visiting a gun range is another viable option to consider when hunting for a place to deposit unwanted, unused, or scrap ammunition. Gun ranges are well-versed in all things ammo-related and are often equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources to ensure that your leftover munitions are properly dealt with. They may be the best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges, selling them on or utilizing them on-site.

If you’re sitting there pondering, “What about ammo near me?” then rest assured that gun ranges exist across the country and often serve as local hubs for shooting enthusiasts. Many of these establishments have affiliations with companies that recycle scrap ammo and can easily point you in the right direction if they don’t accept scrap ammo themselves.

Shifting gears slightly, it’s imperative that we understand the value of what we’re disposing of. Both aluminum casing and brass shells have their own merits, but when it comes to recycling prices, brass usually has an edge.

You might even be wondering ‘what is brass worth?’ or ‘how much is brass?’ The answers vary depending on global metal markets but typically range from $1 to $2 per pound. Brass shell casings are treasured amongst people who sell scrap ammunition due to their higher value compared to aluminum.

So if you find yourself asking “where do I take my scrap brass shells to be recycled safely?” fret not! You now know where your nearest gun range is — consider this the first step in your journey towards recycling scrap ammo.

And there’s more good news: supply often meets demand when it comes to recycling facilities for this particular type of waste material. Consequently, you can find several options by simply searching online phrases like “ammo near me,” “where to sell brass near me,” or “shells near me.”

Rest easy knowing that by choosing to recycle brass shells and other components of spent ammunition instead of discarding them thoughtlessly into trash bins, you’re not only potentially saving some cash but also contributing to the well-being of our planet. So the next time you’re out shooting and have spent casings cluttering your space, remember that there are places near you where you can recycle scrap ammo, and get a pretty penny for it too!


Take a look to see where you can take your scrap ammo for disposal.

Safety Precautions When Handling Ammo

When you’re preparing to recycle ammo, safety comes first. Always handle ammunition as if it were live. Keep it away from heat sources and any potential impact.

Components of Ammunition

Understanding the components of ammunition is essential for recycling. Cartridges typically consist of a primer, propellant, the bullet itself, and the casing, which is usually brass. Each component requires different handling when it comes to recycling.

What are the Dangers of Disposing of Scrap Ammo Improperly?

Bullets and Powder Contain Harmful Chemicals

Improper disposal can lead to the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Lead, for example, is a toxic metal commonly found in bullets.

Risk of Scrap Ammo Ignition

Incorrect disposal of live ammo can lead to the risk of accidental ignition, which could cause injury or start a fire.

Recycling scrap ammo is a responsible choice for any gun owner. It’s a simple but powerful way to ensure that the materials we use are not wasted and do not harm the environment. As you seek “ammo near me” for recycling, remember that you’re contributing to a circular economy and making the most of the resources we have. Whether you’re looking to recycle brass shells, get the best prices scrap ammo can fetch, or ensure safe disposal of live rounds, the opportunities are out there.

For those with questions like “who recycles scrap brass shells near me?” or “where to sell brass near me,” the answer is closer than you think. Local scrap yards, hazardous waste collection sites, and even shooting ranges often provide services or guidance for recycling scrap ammo.

As you navigate the world of ammo recycling, keep in mind the fluctuating recycle copper price per pound, the value of brass, and the importance of proper sorting and cleaning to get the best return for your efforts. And remember, when it comes to “shells near me” or “ammo near to me,” the best company to recycle scrap ammunition for shooting ranges or the best company to recycle scrap brass shell casings for shooting ranges may just be a phone call or a quick search away.

In your journey to recycle scrap ammo, always prioritize safety, stay informed about the price of brass and other metals, and take pride in knowing you’re doing your part for the planet and for future marksmen who will value the resources as much as you do.

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