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Making Candles
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When we are moving into spaces that are getting smaller and smaller we need to either get rid of our prized possessions, which if you are sentimental, can be difficult. The other option is to keep...
Profitable Candle Making Business: Can I Do It? Spoiler:Yes!
[convertkit form=1969459] Have you ever considered starting an artisan candle company? What is the solution? A woman began her candle business last year with $115 after losing her job and has...
[convertkit form=1969459] You have begun to make candles at home as it seemed like a great idea and trust me, it is, but when you are first starting out there are many things that can go wrong and...
[convertkit form=1969459] For many modern crafters, we will often see new ways to reuse our old stuff, and quite often the humble glass bottle makes its way into our gaze and we find ourselves...
[convertkit form=1969459] 1. Salt, Pepper, and Toothpick set What better way to set your table off than with a really cool centerpiece? Using the necks of old recycled wine bottles lets you...
[convertkit form=1969459] I was at my friend's house yesterday when she presented me with this candle. It had 'tunneled' into the jar and the wick had fallen out. She raised one quizzical eyebrow...